Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Growing Good!

So many new things in these past couple of days for our little guy, Lewis!!!  He seems to be growing so fast, I'm so excited!! He's now 3 lbs. 8.5 oz, big enough that they will start to try and wean him off heat, so he can learn to keep his own temperature.  That means I can start putting little onesies, hats and socks on him, either tomorrow or the day after!!  I had a blast shopping at Babies R Us today :) I can't wait to play dress up with my little man!

We're also feeding him one bottle a day, teaching him to suck, swallow, breath.  He did ok on his first try, getting 5 ccs, great on his second try, getting 15 and REALLY great on his third try, getting 20! But then I tried to feed him again this morning and he simply wasn't interested :)  I could barely get him to open his mouth! Oh well, the nurses say this is normal for preemies.  Thank the Lord they are able to feed him with a feeding tube through his nose!

The Doctors would like to start taking his oxygen levels down, but everytime they do he has a little spell and we have to bring it back up :)  Guess that'll come a little later!

I kangarood with him tonight and besides one apnea spell of turning blue and almost giving me a heart attack he did very well and slept like a little angel :)  I LOVE getting to kangaroo with him!  Besides feeding him once a day it's the only time I can hold my little son, so it's very special.
He still has a long way to go, but he's making good time and I'm so glad that we're able to stay so close to him and visit everyday!

Here's a few pictures from when I feed him yesterday and from tonight!  Hope y'all enjoy them!

 Giving a wink to Annie :)

 I love feeding my little Bean Burrito :)

 Here he is tonight!

 He's not very happy at this moment :) he HATES getting his temp taken and his diaper changed, and one thing I can say for my little guy is that he has a big set of lungs!LOL! He's the loudest child in the NICU!
Now if only he'd use his lungs to breath all the time, instead of screaming with them :)

I  do love watching him move around and make noise though.  Then I know everything is alright, and he's growing good!

Y'all have a peaceful night!


  1. I am so glad to hear that he is doing well! How are you doing with all the pumping? I know with my preemie, it was such a job, but well worth it! They can add a fortifier to your breast milk to help with adding calories!


  2. AWWW Bethy! He's precious...
    I can't believe your a mom!!

    Love you lots and praying for you guys!


  3. Awwe! Beth! he is adorable!!!
    I can't wait to see and hold him! <3

    Momma says you look like a Mom!!

    Miss and Love ya'll

