Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lewis Love

 Hello dear Friends and family!

Sorry for the long silence.  A couple of days ago I discovered that I had mastitis :(  For a little while I was unable to go see Lewis, which made it even harder, but my dear mother-in-law came and stayed with me and took care of me and visited with our little man!  I am so greatful that she was able to be here, she knew just what to do to get me better! And I know Little Bit enjoyed his time with his Eia :)  He is doing so well, and just getting so fat and cudly :)
He now weighs 4 lbs 15 oz, but some of it is water that has built up on his left side.  They started giving him some medicine for that today so it may actually seem that he looses weight in the next couple of days :(  He still needs lots of prayers for his apnea spells, which he's still having quite frequently.  He actually had one while mama and I were there today, during one of his feedings.
 But he really is progressing beautifully, just as a preemie is expected, and I am so greatful for all the words of encouragement and prayers over the past 5 weeks!

Now on to the pictures of his royal cuteness :)

 I'm not sure who's enjoying him being in an open crib more, me or him?!

 I just love all the monogramed items from dear, dear Mrs. B!! Thank you SO much!

 Him loves his Eia!!!

 Mr. Sleepyhead, trying to decide if he wants to visit last night!

 The Danny Lane family!! Aren't we cute?! ;)

 My Precious one

My sweet guys, I love them both so much!  Danny is such a wonderful father, I'm so blessed to get to raise a family with him!!!!


  1. Oh he's so beautiful! What a fat little cutie:) I'll be praying about the apnea spells and the water build up. Bless his little heart. You're such a trooper Bethy. Love you!

  2. Lewis is adorable and handsome!
    Continuing to pray for you all!
    Bethany, you are doing great! So proud of you!
    Mastitis is tough! Praying for healing for all of you!
    Mrs. Beth for
    The McArthur family

  3. He is adorable! What a blessing!

