Wednesday, September 5, 2012

 Hello dear friends and family!

We had a great talk with Lewis' Doctor today about when Little Bit might possibly be coming home!!! Now there's no way of really knowing, but all the Doctor is concerned about right now is his ability to eat on his own! He said that the breathing issues will resolve simply as he gets older and that he'll be able to keep his temperature when he gets more fat on him!  What keeps a lot of preemie babies in the NICU is their inability to learn the 'suck, swallow, breath' correctly, there fore not being able to eat on their own.  And they don't really learn that till 35 weeks gestation.  Lewis is 33 weeks gestation and a month old!  He is on two bottles a day now and is gradually going down on the heat in his bed!  He needs to be on 8 bottles a day before he can go home.  Prayers that he will learn this quickly and well would be greatly appreciated!!

 His first day in clothes :)
 This is yesterday!  I'm so excited about how fast he's growing! He's finally hit 4 lbs!!


  1. Awesome news!!!! So, could you nurse instead of bottles when he learns how to suck, swallow and breathe? We will continue to pray, and thank God for his blessings thus far.

  2. We'll be praying for those things for little Lewis! Praise the Lord he's 4 pounds now!!

    Hims 'wooks so cute in himbs cwothes....ahhh...I just want to squeeze him he's so cute!!! Look at his cheeks!!! Oh, Bethy...your baby is beautiful. Praying for you today, and missing you sooo much!!

    I love you!!! God bless you and your family today!


  3. Hi Bethany, I just found your blog...Congratulations on your little blessing! I'm so glad that he's doing well. :)

    -♥Macy Mckie
